Senin, 16 April 2012

17 april 2012

hari ini memang hari selasa dan bukan hari rabu... bysanya sich hari rabu aq kena sial..tapi kli ne pindah hari selasa....
bisa bayangkan saat kalian bangun tidur dengan degub jantung yg begitu kencang, keringat mengalir.. dan eng ing eng bener kn ada masalah.
ketika ada seseorang menasehatiku maka aq kan dengarkan tapi ketika aq melakukan perbutan yg sama dg mereka... apa yg mereka lakukan? marah? jelas iya,,, adilkah itu?

Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012

new beginning

tahun 2012 sama saja seperti sebuah awal dimana aq harus berusaha menghasilkan sesuatu yang semestinya aq kerjakan dari dulu..... tapi semangat yang ada ternyata perlahan-lahan menghilang......
dan hari ini saatnya aq mulai sesuatu yg baru..sesuatu yg harus terjadi pada perubahan thesisq

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

Report text


Facebook is one kind of social networks. As we know, facebook is a network that use by a lot of people in this world. Almost all people have facebook. Applying facebook is very easy. We can see, account facebook may be used from age 12 until adult.
Specifications of facebook are home, profile, friends and messages as prominent gadget. Application home consist news feed from other accounts of facebooker. So , facebooker users may adding comment on status of their friend. Users may upload their photo in home gadget. This gadget also show notification, notes, people you may know, and searching friend
In profile, users have list of their information. They might to adding a relationship, education, hobbies, political, religion, date of birth and many others. In friends of gadget, they can check who their friends became. In message, users can sending message and receive message. Facebook also influence to all of people. Sometime a lecture use facebook to share his materiel or give some information. So facebook give many advantages for us.
by gresna

Rabu, 30 November 2011

writing 1

 Descriptive text
My Lovely Sister

I have a sister, namely is Mega. She is 13th years old. She was born October 1st 1998. She is study at Pangudi Luhur Junior High School in Ambarawa. She depart to school by bus after helping my mom in the morning, I proudof her. Although she is naughty too, I love her so much. Sometimes we shared our experiences in our room together. She is very glad when I arrived in my house because she felt lonellines when I was in Solo.
Fried chicken and fastfood are her favorite food. She dislike vegetables and unrarely my mom suggest her to eat some vegetables and fruit to avoid illness. She is tiny but tall. Every morning my mom asked her to eat a spoon of honey to keep her healthy. Now, I miss her so much.

 Discussion text
Hospot Area in UMS

Hospot area is an area that have facilities to searching, browsing and another activity using internet. Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta also has this area. Hospot area in UMS located arround of UMS. Every student have user name and password when they using hospot. This facilities have strengths and weaknesses.
The strengths of hospot area in UMS are make each student easily to searching data. Then it helping all of employee do their work easily. The lecture may check an email by their student when they give some asignment to students and should sending email to them. One oppurtunity to student is they can save their money when using internet in hospot area. Hospot area also have weaknesses. There are weaknesses of hospot area in UMS. First, signal in hospot area is unpredictable. Each student who studied in UMS have the right to using this facilities. Sometimes, using internet in hospot area is very difficult. Connecting their notebook or netbook need some difficult process. Second, the way to using internet is misused. Several student use internet to browsing movie, song and other application that useless for them. So as a good student, we must know what is good for us in the use of the Internet

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011



After doing research on 5 people, the researcher can explain in the sentence below:
The researcher doing research in 5 peoples, there are boarding house friend. Consist of Jen, Octa, Endah, Nimas, Ita. Jen is my closed friend in my boarding house. She is open minded person. Since I knew her, she always talks to me about her story. I felt a sister for her. When I was on boarding house, she comes to me and ready to sharing everything that happened in that day. In this position she included open minded person.

Then Endah, Ita and Nimas she has room in second floor of my boarding house. They like shopping and chat with another friend about her life. Endah is fussy than Nimas and Octa. They are open minded too

The last person is Octa. Her room is in front of my room. She rarely talked to another friend in boarding house. She is very shy and rare to talk to me. I should knock her door just to say “hai octa, what’s going on? Why you always close your door? I wanna talk to you about the role in this boarding house. ” based on this condition I decide she become a loner person.

Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

terasa hampa

aq sebenarnya ingin bicara bagaimana sesungguhnya perasaan ini padamu... ku kira kau tahu seperti apa rasanya hati ini.jika perasaan ini kau abaikan aq tak tahu lagi apa yang harus aq lakukan. sungguh ku ingin kau tetap seperti kemarin tersenyum padaku. bukan sikap dingin seperti ini yang aq harapkan. hampa terasa ketika ku berada disisimu hanya sedikit senyum hiasi rona wajahmu....ada apa? katakanlah padaku sekarang. jangan sampai aq menangis untuk kesekian kalinya setelah ku terlambat mengetahui itu semua

Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

new family

di awal semester 6 ini, ada sebuah makul yang membuatku bertemu dengan banyak orang. aq mempunyai sebuah keluarga baru dimana awalnya aq hampir tidak mengenal semua anggotanya..hampir 3 bulan lamanya qt bersama,saling bertukar pikiran tentang sebuah rencana. dan bahkan semua itu harus dibumbui dengan pertengkaran batin,debat pendapat. namun ketika smua itu telah usai kita bisa merasakan apa yang telah kita perjuangkan,jerih payah kita semua disini,kita mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan.sebuah keluarga baru dengan sebuah sebuah harapan. terimakasih semuanya